donderdag 17 augustus 2017


This is my coat STILL*LIFE


I used the Mastery fabric by Hoffman from the Mastery digital print collection.

When seeing this fabric it reminded me very strongly of the paintings of Dutch and Flemish Masters of the 17th Century. I did some research on the subject matter.
There is a fascinating website by the Dutch Rijksmuseum where you can find their entire collection. You are allowed to use the pictures for your own use, you are even encouraged to make your own art with use of the
The designers of this fabric must have used something similar as most of the flowers seem to have come straight from these paintings.

Willem van Aelst- Flower still life with watch


When visiting Amsterdam I found a carpet in a trendy store also using this subject matter.

That's when I knew what I wanted to do. I started by collecting large artificial flowers, petals, leaves and more fabrics. It is as if my brain is tuned into the subject matter and then I find all sorts of things I can use. In the local farmers market I found two more digitally printed fabrics in the same style. While doing my research I noticed tiny insects in the paintings, would that have been by chance or on purpose? Furthermore there were all sorts of food depicted. Very interesting indeed. I looked into the symbolic meaning of a couple of those and decided to use them in my work.


I had a lot of fun making this coat, adding all sorts of animals, fruit and insects.

I made three different versions of a Still Life in the style of the old masters.


In some places the still life grew into more natural the branches and flowers or is it the other way around?

The finishing touches include a collar, seam treatment and the lining.


maandag 24 juli 2017

Masterclass Jasje met een thema

Op 21 en 22 juli 2017 was het zover !
De Masterclass 'Jasje met een thema" bij Hawar in Oldeberkoop, Friesland.

"Masterclass Jasje met een thema.  Vertel je eigen verhaal in Textiel.
Heeft u de jassen van Marijke gezien ? Het artikel in Vezel nr. 3 over The Emperor’s Garden gelezen? Misschien heeft u gedacht “Zo’n jasje zou ik graag eens zelf maken”.

Tijdens deze workshop maken we ( een begin voor) een jasje met behulp van de Textielcollage techniek. Met kleine lapjes en de gekleurde draad van de naaimachine tekenen we als het ware ons eigen verhaal."

De Masterclass was met 8 deelnemers helemaal volgeboekt.

We zijn begonnen met een textielcollage rond een thema.  We besteden veel aandacht aan kleurgebruik en compositie. Deze collage kon worden gebruikt als uitgangspunt voor een helemaal zelf gemaakt jasje òf op een bestaand jasje verwerkt worden.

onderstaande voorbeelden dienen ter inspiratie:

De deelnemers konden ervoor kiezen om de collage op een bestaand jasje te verwerken en het jasje compleet te maken met meerdere kleurrijke accenten.
Druiven Art2wear
Seizoenswisseling Art2wear

Of ervoor kiezen het jasje helemaal zelf te maken en de collage nog verder uit te breiden met toevoegingen van stukken effen stof zoals de voorbeelden hierboven.
In ieder geval moest men er rekening mee houden dat het jasje thuis afgemaakt moet worden. Hiervoor is wel ervaring met kleding maken een vereiste!

de deelnemers in opperste concentratie
hieronder enkele werkstukken in wording


Hilda Wessels



Opvallend is: 8 deelnemers 8 heel "eigen 'werkstukken. Geweldig!

Textielinstituut Hawar is beroemd en alom geprezen voor de uitstekend verzorgde lunches.

Terwijl wij hard aan het werk waren in het atelier  was lunchkok Paco hard aan het werk in de keuken om ons van een heerlijke  lunch met koude en warme gerechten te voorzien. Iedere dag stond de gedekte tafel voor ons klaar, we konden zo aanschuiven.
Toppunt van luxe!

's Avonds was er de lezing met beamerpresentatie  "The sky is the limit" waarin ik verteld heb over mijn ontwikkeling als textielkunstenaar. Een heel bijzondere show-and-tell door de combinatie van foto's, interactieve opdrachten en meegebrachte ART2WEAR.

Op dag twee hebben we diverse aanvullende technieken en materialen  besproken en gedemonstreerd en gedifferentieerd gewerkt.
De bedoeling was ook om meer intuïtief te werken en  grenzen te verleggen, dat is beslist gelukt.

Er kwamen steeds meer materialen op tafel en ik had me nog zorgen gemaakt of iedereen wel genoeg spullen zou mee nemen

Werkstukken aan het eind van de tweede dag.

Elly Francke




Reflectie, moe maar voldaan!

Tevens is er aandacht besteed aan de technische aspecten van het afmaken en afwerken van een zelfgemaakt jasje. 

Seizoenswisseling Art2wear

Seizoenswisseling Art2wear

Technieken en tips die iedereen natuurlijk altijd weer kan gebruiken bij het ontwerpen en uitvoeren van projecten in de toekomst.

Beslist voor herhaling vatbaar zo'n Masterclass!

maandag 6 maart 2017

New Quilting

In December last year I received the following invitation:

"New Quilting – a gallery exhibition of Quilting today
3 March – 23 April 2017 at the Rheged Centre, Penrith.
Invitation to Exhibit
Dear Marijke Van Welzen,
New Quilting is an exciting upcoming exhibition that aims to capture the current world of quilting. I am writing to you now to invite you to submit some of your quilts to this exhibition. Set within a stunning contemporary gallery space with state of the art lighting and excellent presentation, the exhibition will run over 7 weeks and aims to attract an audience of over 10,000 visitors.The exhibition will be based in the Gallery at the Rheged Centre, Penrith. Rheged is an arts centre and tourism hub in the Northern Lake District in Cumbria. Each year Rheged has over 450,000 visitors, and the Gallery has over 80,000. The Gallery shows five exhibitions per year, including the Cumbrian Artist of the Year exhibition, The Great Print Exhibition, a major family summer exhibition and two other of art and craft shows.New Quilting aims to challenge public perceptions of quilting revealing a strong and vibrant contemporary craft form that is just as likely to be found hanging on a gallery wall or urban loft apartment as it is in a rural farmhouse. It aims to attract a broad audience, encompassing quilting enthusiasts as well as those unfamiliar with this art form. We want to champion excellence in design and technique, as well as originality and creativity within the art form. We are calling the exhibition New Quilting because we want to show a capsule of what is being made today by quilters, and also because we want everyone who comes to the exhibition to see something new that they may not have seen before. There will be 30 to 40 large scale quilts on display on the gallery walls.At the heart of the exhibition lies the idea of storytelling, and how all quilts tell a story. This may be told directly through pictorial elements of the quilt, through the fabrics used to make the quilt, or more broadly as a representation of the achievements and accomplishments of the quilter who has made it – their story as a quilter. "

Rheged Centre, PenrithCumbria, UK
At first I Thought this was not for real ! Did they actually mean me?
But yes it turned out to be a genuine invitation ! I was asked to send three of my coats for this exhibition.

The complete list of artists includes: Abigail Booth, Alicia Merrett, Eileen Blood, Elfriede Grooten, Elizabeth Brimelow, Eszter Bornemisza, Greta Fitchett, Helen Howes, Janet Twinn, Jen Kelson, Joy Salvage, Judith Wilson, Kate Crossley, Kate Dowty, Marijke van Welzen, Marita Lappalainen, Michael Fitchett, Monika Steiner, Ramona Conconi, Sandie Lush, Sandy Chandler, Sara Impey, Susan Briscoe, Trudi Wood, Vera and Ctibor Skoček , Janice Gunner, John Winn, Sheena Norquay, Margery Milnes, Cas Holmes, and Christine Chester.

I must say I'm really chuffed to be in such good company.

So Thursday March 2 was the opening night with a Private View for invited guests.

The entrance of the gallery

The opening night was definitely bustling.
There were several speeches. The exhibition was officially opened by Margie Jenkins, president of the British Quilters' Guild.
A few of the artists were there as well.
I talked to many people and received a lot of compliments for my work.

Kate Crossley, Book at bedtime
I was even interviewed by a lady of BBC Radio Cumbria.

On Friday afternoon I went back to the gallery to take a good look myself.

In the centre of the gallery, in a small exhibition space, there is a special exhibit of four quilts from the Hellbeck Collection, kindly loaned by the Blackett-Ord Family. These quilts were originally collected by Rosemary Blackett-Ord from 1950 onward, and the quilts themselves date from as far back as the 18th Century. In a time when quilting had fallen out of fashion, she found a deep fascination in historical quilts from Cumbria and beyond, and the stories that they told. As quilts once again found popular favour, this collection of quilts became more well known and exhibited numerous times. Several of the quilts are now in the collection of the Bowes Museum.

quilts from the Hellbeck Collection

quilt from the Hellbeck Collection

In a new commission, artist Maddi Nicholson has used quilting as a way of researching and recognising the traditional country sport of Cumberland and Westmorland Wrestling. She has worked with members of the Levens Quilters Guild to create new artworks for the exhibition. Last year, the first ever women’s world championship for Cumberland and Westmorland wrestling was held at Ambleside Sports. In response to this, and to her own childhood memories of attending matches at county fairs, Maddi has produced richly decorative wresting costumes, similar to those traditionally worn by wrestlers for important matches.

work by Maddi Nicholson

work by John Winn

The Gallery has a lovely Gallery shop with small works of all the artists for sale.

More information: