zondag 1 maart 2020

20 years of Textile Art


(not all ) Roses are Red

From 20-02-2020 until 20-04-2020 Exhibition Textile Art in museum het Wevershuis in Leiden, the Netherlands.

Under the label Art2wear Marijke loves to make wearable Art pieces with a story to tell. Textile is her Passion as it lends itself to infinite possibilities of expression.
with the tactile aspect, the flexibility, the unlimited colour range and the visual texture. 

Marijke starts with a theme. Around this theme fabrics and all kinds of useful materials are  collected. She works intuitively from there. The outcome is always a surprise, even she doesn’t know beforehand what the finished piece will look like.
She  uses all sorts of surface design techniques. Starting with many tiny pieces of fabric, and colourful machine-threads she 'paints' her designs. 
The story grows under her hands, it works like a kind of puzzle, sometimes it is easy to find a fitting piece and other times it takes longer until some more pieces turn up.

Due to the Corona Virus the exhibition closed on March 13 2020

Here are some more pictures of the exhibition.

Critters' Garden Party

Dandelions and Dragonflies

left: Sunlit Orchard
right: The Butterfly Effect

left: The Emperor's Garden
right: Growth

left: Once in a blue moon
right: Moonlit Orchard

Paradise lost

You can read more in Hilda's blog here